3607 Working with Color: Mixing and Blending in Watercolor
$ 82 usd
Sat, Oct 26, 2024, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM CDT
Mt. Morris Senior and Community Center, 9 E. Front Street, Mt. Morris, IL Map
This class assumes you are familiar with the six watercolor painting techniques taught in CRN 3606 Introduction to Watercolor class. This one focuses on how to mix and blend colors with watercolor paints so that you can better create the effect, mood and color palette you want in your paintings. The focus will be on seeing colors as lights and darks. Bring a lunch. All supplies provided.
Cindy Bear
Lifelong Learning Instructor
Contact us
- Highland Community College
- li••••g@hig••••d.edu
- 815 599 3403
Mt. Morris Senior and Community Center, 9 E. Front Street, Mt. Morris, IL
- Creative Arts
Age Groups
- All